A number of years ago, I resigned from my job as an editor, looking forward to working from home. During one of my last days at work, I suddenly had severe pains in my chest. I immediately turned to God, acknowledging His perfect care for me. The pain was acute, but I held to the truth of my spiritual being, and it lessened.
However, by the time I was established in my home office a week later, I was well acquainted with this pain and was experiencing an army of other alarming symptoms. This condition continued for half a year.
Having said that, I’ll tell you what was really going on. I was walking with God moment by moment, turning from matter to Spirit, and confidently trusting His power, His love, and His goodness. As I worked with a Christian Science practitioner who prayed for me, I learned more and more about who I really am—not a mortal depending on some physical organ, but the pure and eternal expression of Life, God.