We read in the Holy Scriptures: “To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” (Romans 8:6). This two-part statement is profoundly relevant to each of us, as can be proven in the rough times and the good times of our everyday lives. It was proven in our family when my husband and I were expecting our child.
While in labor with our child, I was told by the midwife in attendance that the child would need to be delivered by a physician—surgically, in a hospital. In compliance with civil law, we drove to a hospital; on the authority of divine law, I silently disagreed with the verdict we’d been given and prayed heartily, affirming that God’s children, including both the child and me, perpetually dwell under the jurisdiction of God’s laws of Life, Truth, and Love. And when we arrived, we walked in and our son was delivered naturally, not surgically.
After the delivery, we were told that because he had arrived two weeks early, our baby needed to be examined for potential problems. An X-ray indicated one of his lungs was filled with fluid. We were advised that medical treatment should be given immediately, but that there was no assurance it could preserve his life. We asked for time to pray—and were given 15 minutes, after which a subsequent X-ray showed that the lung was completely free of fluid. The child had been healed.