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Of Good Report

Prayer for a church’s revival

From the August 2017 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Our church, a branch of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, was dwindling through attrition. We were down to just a handful of members, and our spirits were flagging. Disbandment seemed imminent.

I relished this challenge to better demonstrate the utility of our branch church, knowing we could rely on God’s guidance.

At this time, my life was burgeoning with opportunities and signs of progress, but the church’s appeared to be declining. I could not accept the reality of such an imbalance; it was not consistent with what I knew to be true from my study of Christian Science, which assures us that “progress is the law of God” (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 233). To me, this has always meant there cannot be progress in one area of our life and not in another, because that would be inconsistent with divine law. God’s law of Life governs man, and this Life is not fragmented, compartmentalized, or out of balance, but reflected in indivisible good. 

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