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Testimonies of Healing

Sinus infection healed

From the October 2019 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A few years ago my husband, son, and I traveled to South America and explored half a dozen countries over the course of a few months. During that time I faced several physical difficulties, including symptoms of hemorrhoids and altitude sickness. These were effectively and completely healed through scientific Christian prayer as explained in Christian Science, allowing the trip to continue seamlessly, without interruption.

When we were scheduled to fly to another country, though, I became quite ill with what appeared to be an acute sinus infection. 

I felt increasingly desperate thinking of the potential ripple effects of missing the flight the next day because I was incapacitated and barely able to stand. We had made flight, hotel, and rental car reservations. It seemed all these would need to be canceled, which would involve complicated and costly rebookings. I also feared that flying with a sinus infection could have serious physical consequences.  

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