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Of Good Report

An able ministry—when healing is too real to keep to ourselves

From the October 2019 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The following is an edited and abridged transcript of the “An able ministry—when healing is too real to keep to ourselves” session held June 1, 2019, the Saturday before Annual Meeting, in the Extension of The Mother Church. It was also broadcast live online, and you can watch the complete replay at

Dave Scott, an editor at The Christian Science Monitor, introduced himself and his wife Laurie M. Scott, a Christian Science practitioner and Manager of The Mother Church’s Plaza Activities Department, as the session’s hosts.

Those attending sang Hymn No. 507 from the Christian Science Hymnal: Hymns 430–603 after Dr. Ryan Vigil, part of the team that produced this Hymnal, first provided some background on the hymn. Laurie then shared some readings from the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, followed by some opening thoughts.

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