Like Noah
the Bethlehem shepherds
heard the celestial call.
They found the new-born Savior
within a crèche.
Like Noah
the Magi of old
saw a sign within the sky.
to Truth’s intent,
they were led thereby
toward him who showed
how to overcome the floods
of adversity.
At Christmas
there is always a star
calling us—
a message enlightened
by spiritual sense
leading us to the rescuing Christ.
Like Noah
in the light of tangible Love
I can open my ark—my thought—
to welcome
compassion, patience, quietness,
and to offer
gratitude, confidence, healing words.
It is an ark
to meditate on the message
God’s angels always send:
“You are My beloved child.
You are always with Me.
All I have is yours.”
Christmas is a call
to better see
the rainbow of our being.
—Béatrice Labarthe