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Spiritual Short

Why Write?

From the August 2019 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When you’ve experienced healing in Christian Science, the joy, uplift, and gratitude you feel stays with you, and you naturally want to share it.

The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, and The Herald of Christian Science provide a place for everyone to do so. These publications are the fruits of Mary Baker Eddy’s love for humanity. They illustrate all the good Christian Science is and does. Their design and content, including each and every testimony and article, express the spirituality, creativity, energy, and intelligence of God’s ideas. They reflect authors’ inspiration from God and healing experiences, and are a permanent record of the general spiritual progress of humankind.

Writing for the periodicals is loving not just in word but in deed; it is the natural result of wanting to “love thy neighbour.” It is not a personal endeavor of the human will; it is impelled by God, divine Mind, and protected by divine Love. This means that our writing cannot be derailed or hampered by aggressive suggestions that our writing skills are not good, that we do not have the time, that we do not have the inspiration. Those thoughts are not from divine Mind—the only real Mind. Inspiration and right ideas come from divine Mind, their unlimited source, and Mind’s intelligence flows abundantly to Mind’s expression—to you and me.

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