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Spiritual Short

Humility lost and found

From the April 2020 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Last year my husband purchased us a second car that uses digital keys. There was no spare key, so the car dealer told him he should make an appointment to have an additional key made. From time to time I would question my husband about this, and he would say he was going to do it soon.

Well, one day his car key was nowhere to be found, and I immediately reminded him of the numerous times I had suggested he get a spare key made. He told me he had just called a locksmith to open the car, and I replied, “How will that help if we still don’t have a key?” I couldn’t resist adding that had he listened to me earlier, this wouldn’t be happening. 

But as I began to pray about the situation, it dawned on me that self-righteousness doesn’t bring healing. We can’t hear God when we’re criticizing. I thought about how loving, patient, and loyal my husband is to me, and how often he helps me with problems I encounter, without a hint of judgment. I felt humbled.

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