I was starting a wonderful week at one of my favorite locations ever, in the mountains of North Carolina, where I would be staying at a cabin with family. Once we got to the cabin, I started unpacking in the closet, and the clothes hanging rod fell on one of my feet. It was basically a piece of heavy pipe with sharp edges. There was a wound, and it was really painful to walk. I first feared that I had done serious damage to my foot and might even have broken something. Then I started to fear that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the vacation and might need emergency care.
My husband helped calm me down and encouraged me to wash the wound, which I did, and we bandaged it. Then I went to a room alone where I could get quiet. I recalled another healing I’d had in this same mountain town several years ago, and I was really loving that healing and feeling grateful for it right then. That healing had been instantaneous, and I was so grateful to have been able to keep hiking during that trip.
Now it came to me to call a Christian Science practitioner to pray with me. At first I was reluctant, but when the thought came again, I knew this was no time to ignore that “still, small voice.” The practitioner I called shared many wonderful ideas with me. He affirmed that my emergency care was there—God’s presence—and it was effective. We talked about the concept that no accident had occurred to God’s offspring, in God’s creation, and that is what we each are.