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Testimonies of Healing

Healed—all the way and then some

From the October 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was attending a two-week educational session, which was mostly about the Bible, but also included classes on other topics, activities, and meeting many new people. It was the last day, and I had expected it to be the best day of the whole session. Special activities would be happening in which I had planned to take part. 

But in my morning class, I was suddenly overcome by illness, which forced me to leave the day’s activities. And, unlike me, I needed to go lie down. I couldn’t keep food down, sleep, or get comfortable, nor could I focus on praying as I wanted to.

I kept thinking, “How could this happen today?” But I knew that healing was the most important activity, so I called a Christian Science practitioner for metaphysical treatment. 

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