“What’s helped you be a more successful healer?” This was a pressing question for me as I was considering going into the healing practice of Christian Science. So I asked an experienced Christian Science practitioner. She told me there was a statement by Mary Baker Eddy that she’d found particularly helpful to her practice: “Principle and its idea is one, and this one is God, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Being, and His reflection is man and the universe” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, pp. 465–466).
Since that conversation, I’ve marveled at both the depth and the demand of this concept of oneness as it applies to healing. It’s been one of the foundational concepts in my practice—one that puts my whole prayer on the right basis.
When we think about healing, it’s tempting to believe that there’s a physical problem and that the application of spiritual truths will somehow resolve it. Outwardly, it does appear that this is what happens. We hurt, then we pray, and the pain disappears.