What is this cell of misery?
And what are the walls that incarcerate?
Are they not thoughts of fear,
injustice, loneliness, inadequacy,
hopelessness, confinement,
worry, and self?
Is the confinement within walls—
or is it in me?
Do I strike out with frustration,
anger, resentment?
Or do I reach out
and up . . .
with an open heart . . .
and find the place
where the human
meets the divine . . .
where I find
right desire
I’m lifted to a kingdom-of-heaven experience . . .
with angels that guide to higher sentiments of hope, trust, spiritual enlightenment . . .
where light enters consciousness
and the timelessness of divine Love
enfolds, guides, and heals.
It is there I find a new view of life
that includes me.
And I am free.