I have long wanted to tell of a healing that I had many years ago.
In the late 1960s while living in Houston, I began having a problem with my nose. Every day it would run for several hours. In the 1970s we moved to a farm in Oklahoma, and the problem increased. One day in a faculty meeting at the school where I taught, the woman sitting beside me asked, “Is that a cold or an allergy which you have?” The question startled me; I had become so accustomed to the problem that I’d not even been aware that I was sniffling.
Through the years I’d tried very hard to keep in thought that God truly is the only cause and creator, that He made each of us in His own image, and that He “saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31). During this time I did have other healings, but the problem with the nose continued. In retrospect, I realize that although I’d tried ever so hard to “know the truth” that Jesus said would make one free (see John 8:32), I had not yielded to a great, yet simple fact—that God is Love and that each of us is always held in God’s, divine Love’s, embrace. I was trying and I was saying what is true, but I was not yielding to Love’s allness.