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Overcoming self-doubt in the public practice

From the May 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After I graduated from college and began my professional career, I was given a copy of the Christian Science Sentinel. I didn’t know anything about Christian Science at the time. However, when I read the testimonies of healing recorded in the pages of the magazine—healings that were accomplished through prayer alone, rather than through medical means—it felt as if a flame had been lit deep within me. It was evident from the start that this flame would outshine my love for my current profession.

Years before, I had hoped that someday I might find a different means of wellness and health care than what I was familiar with. From the stories in the New Testament of the Bible, I had observed that God is wise and loving, and also all-powerful. On this basis, I hoped I would someday find the kind of loving care that Christ Jesus’ healings introduced, the perfect care God provides us. As I read the accounts of Christian Science healings in the Sentinel that day, I realized that my hope was being fulfilled.

Going forward, I was in earnest to learn all that I could about Christian Science. At the same time, I continued to pursue my profession. However, the flame that was lit when I first read those testimonies grew brighter and warmer. Soon I took Primary class instruction, a course of study that explains the Science of Christ’s teachings and how to practice Christ-healing for oneself and others.

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