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Of Good Report

Divine Love lifted us up

From the May 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God” (Psalms 20:7). I love this passage from the Bible. It shows me that there are laws of God—timeless and forever laws—which are higher than human ways and means and provide protection for all of us. 

Years ago, my husband and I owned a 27-foot motor home. During a torrential rainstorm, it became mired in mud, as we had slid off the road. The mud was ankle deep on the driver’s side, and the back end of the vehicle was sunk deep, to the axle. We flagged down a passing truck, but they couldn’t help. They said they were on their way to warn other campers about a possible break in a dam. 

I knew from past healing experiences that my prayers didn’t need to be complicated. These experiences proved to me that we could trust in God, divine Love, and that we would get the help we needed. So I asked my husband, who was not a member of The Mother Church at the time, to join me in reading the Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly. Normally, he would have said something like, “You read the Lesson; I have to go do something about this situation.” Instead, he left his shoes in the mud and joined me.

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