Before healing two men of blindness, Jesus asked them: “Believe ye that I am able to do this?” They answered affirmatively: “Yea, Lord” (see Matthew 9:28).
Spiritual insight into these two words “Yea” and “Lord” has strengthened my practice of Christian Science healing. Jesus expressed the power of God—the power of divine Love, Truth, Mind. As Jesus’ teachings show, his healing ability came from his clear understanding that God, good, is omnipotent, the only power. When the blind men answered “yes” to Jesus’ question, in some degree they must also have been acknowledging the power, the presence, and the reality of Christ—God’s divine message that speaks only good, and which removes all claims to the contrary, including blindness.
In our prayers to heal particular challenges, we can follow Jesus’ footsteps by starting with the presence of divine Love, the power of eternal Truth, the intelligence of infinite Mind. We can answer “Yea, Lord” to the question: “Do you accept and understand that Love is present and is doing the healing?” As Christ Jesus proved to the world, God’s love is right here with us, saving us from evil.