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Spiritual Short

Thanking God for the little things

From the May 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Some time ago I started making a concerted effort to thank God for every small evidence of His care. I used to think those little events were insignificant, and only the big healings warranted recognition. But I came to realize that any situation in which we see God, good, at work is a reminder of His care and protection, and deserves our thanks.

If I started leaving the house and realized I hadn’t taken my wallet, I thanked God for that gentle reminder. If I suddenly remembered that I had a meeting scheduled that I had forgotten, I thanked God. If the events of a busy day all lined up perfectly so that I stayed on track and worked efficiently, I thanked God for that evidence of harmony.

Now I look for those times in my day when I can reinforce my understanding of God as all good, governing my life in perfect harmony, balance, and joy. In these simple prayers, I like considering the seven synonyms for God that Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy gives us (see p. 587). I might say something like, “Thank you, Soul, for making me calm in this situation”; or, “Thank you, divine Principle, for giving me the moral courage to hear another’s point of view”; or, “Thank you, eternal Love, for your comfort and encouragement.”

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