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Testimonies of Healing

Recognition of Christ brings quick healing

From the September 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am deeply grateful for Jesus’ example, his expression of love, compassion, tenderness, spiritual clarity, and most of all, for his understanding of God, which enabled him to teach, preach, and heal with tremendous authority. Mary Baker Eddy, the Founder of The Church of Christ, Scientist, explained Jesus’ words and works—his demonstrations of the healing Christ, the true idea of God—in such an inspired way throughout her textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. While Christ Jesus was uniquely the Son of God, through my study of the Bible and Science and Health, I feel privileged to be able to learn how to live unselfishly and heal effectively like him. 

Several years ago, a colleague and I were sent to another country on a business trip to meet with a vendor who was holding property that belonged to our organization. The purpose of the trip was to regain the property and begin to build a working relationship with this individual.

However, it became clear very quickly that we were unlikely to succeed with either mission. There was great resistance on the part of this individual, not only to our presence but also to our desire to build a warm and constructive partnership. In the face of her apparent deceit and unfriendliness, I focused on keeping my thought filled with the knowledge of God’s goodness and presence. I reasoned that each of us could only feel and respond to this. I prayed to know that this trip was wholly governed by God, and that we were all listening and obedient to His leading.

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