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Of Good Report

The mental awakening I needed

From the September 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was the beginning of a weekend retreat that I was co-leading for high school-age youth. On the first night, I went to bed late, woke up a few times throughout the night, and then had to get up early. That morning, I was nervous and concerned that I wouldn’t have the energy to make it through the day, let alone the next two days, with all the activities we had planned for the kids. 

Since this was a gathering for Christian Science Sunday School students, there was a Christian Science practitioner on staff to pray for and support the kids and the group leaders. I learned right away that God has amazing timing, because shortly I received a text message to the group leaders from our practitioner. He reminded us that he was there as a practitioner for all of the participants, including us. He went on to say that if there was anything in particular that needed prayer, or if something was challenging our freedom to express God’s goodness in our activities, we could contact him individually.

The text from our practitioner was exactly what I needed to break any sort of wrong thinking. 

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