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Of Good Report

“God is our refuge”

From the September 2023 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I grew up attending a Christian Science Sunday School and became a branch church member as an adult, turning to the teachings of Christian Science to guide me during tough times. This quote from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, which is on the wall of many Christian Science churches, was a source of inspiration for me: “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need” (p. 494).

What stood out most to me was the word “always.” This helped build a trust in God, divine Love, that gave me the courage to move with my eleven-year-old daughter from New York State to California, even though I didn’t have a job or permanent housing when we set out. (Friends who had moved to California invited us to stay with them temporarily.) My prayers and listening to God’s leading had made it clear that a complete change was necessary. 

We left the last day of school in June 1962 and took a zigzag route visiting national parks and other interesting sites. Some friends were concerned when they heard we planned to stay in campgrounds. However, we always felt safe, and experienced only kindness. Other campers often invited us to join their family campfires, proving for me the truth of this verse from the Bible: “God setteth the solitary in families” (Psalms 68:6).

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