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Church News

These recent postings include Church news items of wider public interest as well as ones that are primarily of interest to members. 

To sign up for emails about Church Announcements, visit ‘My Account,’ and click on ‘Manage Email Notifications.’ 

Rotation on the Board of Trustees

We would like to announce that Jennifer McLaughlin, CSB, will be joining the Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society effective October 1, 2024.

We are delighted and grateful to be able to share with you the happy news of the recent admission of new members to The Mother Church from around the world.

Annual Meeting invitation 2024

The Christian Science Board of Directors announces the Annual Meeting invitation for 2024. 

New Trustee appointed

Effective November 13, 2023, Arcadia Nones, CSB, of Lake Forest, Illinois, United States, has been elected to The Christian Science Publishing Society Board of Trustees, joining Michael Fish, CSB, and David Hohle, CSB, who currently serve as Trustees.

Admission of new members

We are delighted and grateful to be able to share with you the happy news of the recent admission of new members to The Mother Church from around the world.

New Associate Editor

We are happy to announce the appointment by the Christian Science Board of Directors of Lisa Rennie Sytsma, CSB, to the position of Associate Editor for The Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Herald.

Find inspiration and gratitude with the Thanksgiving Bible lesson—available for free

Enjoy studying and sharing the Thanksgiving Bible lesson for free online at

A new member of the Christian Science Board of Directors

Moji George, CSB, of Lagos, Nigeria, has been elected as the new member of the Board of Directors of The First Church of Christ, Scientist.

Announcement from the Christian Science Board of Directors

Our beloved colleague and fellow member of the Christian Science Board of Directors, Barbara Fife, has recently passed on. She is ever in God’s care. We would ask each of you, in whatever way you can, to join us in quiet prayer to reflect on the love she brought to advance this holiest of causes and bless the global community. 

Watch the replay of Annual Meeting 2023

The Annual Meeting replay is now available in English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.

