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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.


The individual studying ideas without putting them into practical effect may become a recluse, imprisoned within a narrow objective world of his own construction. The individual cultivating persons and neglecting ideas, on a shifting stage of inconsistencies and contradictions, though he perfect his art as an observer and analyst of mankind, raises no standard of exalted purpose.


To everyone, however much or little he may know, however skillful or unskillful he may be, Christian Science brings the scientific assurance that he is more capable than he has seemed. As Mary Baker Eddy, the greatly beloved Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, states ( Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p.


In the endeavor to arrive at the true concept or right idea of home as it exists in divine Mind it is helpful first to eliminate from one's thinking the finite or limited concepts of home which appear to exist in the so-called human mind. It is well, therefore, to see first of all that home, absolutely speaking, is not a material house, a flat, a hotel room, or anything existing in time or finite space.


A CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST generally recognizes that he is especially blessed in having seen definite proof of the healing power of Christian Science. He recognizes that, widespread as Christian Science healing now is, the great majority of mankind have not yet been thus blessed; and his endeavor on all suitable occasions, through sheer gratitude, is to let others know of this healing and liberating power.


To him who has seen as the result of the teachings of Christian Science that evil is not power because God is all-powerful and ever present, the way is clear; the final outcome of every human situation in which he may temporarily find himself, is shorn of all possibility of uncertainty and fear. The result of Daniel's experience in the lions' den whereby he proved the powerlessness of a murderous intent to destroy the human representative of God was the vindication of his faith and obedience.


In her book, "Miscellaneous Writings," Mary Baker Eddy says ( pp. 256, 257 ): "The assertion that matter is a law, or a lawgiver, is anomalous.


The spirit of divine adventure animated Mary Baker Eddy as she set forth to reveal the Science of Christianity to mankind. It was the beginning of the greatest adventure which the world had witnessed since the day when "Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about.


Christian Scientists understand that in proportion as any fact of being is recognized and realized in its true import, it is demonstrated; for by such realization the false sense which alone seemed to obscure the fact is dispelled. It is therefore of great practical advantage to know the nature of the ideas of God, divine Mind, which constitute the true creation.


Viewed from the standpoint of suppositional mortal existence, there appears to be something called human consciousness which is in need of regeneration, healing, and salvation. Were it not for this, there would have been no need for the Messianic mission of Christ Jesus, and there would have been no basis for his promise that in due time his Father would send another Comforter.


It is significant that in the seventeenth chapter of John, in which is given the prayer of Christ Jesus on the eve of his crucifixion, the Master is represented as praying first for himself. The prayer abounds in the tenderest of petitions and the most exalted realization on behalf of his disciples, those of that period and all who were to follow.