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From the July 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In her book, "Miscellaneous Writings," Mary Baker Eddy says (pp. 256, 257): "The assertion that matter is a law, or a lawgiver, is anomalous. Wherever law is, Mind is; and the notion that Mind can be in matter is rank infidelity, which either excludes God from the universe, or includes Him in every mode and form of evil." And she continues, "The distinction between that which is and that which is not law, must be made by Mind and as Mind." Again, on page 259 of the same book she writes: "Whatever appears to be law, but partakes not of the nature of God, is not law, but is what Jesus declared it, 'a liar, and the father of it.' God is the law of Life, not of death; of health, not of sickness; of good, not of evil."

Since, as Mrs. Eddy says, "Wherever law is, Mind is," it is evident that the so-called laws of matter, the opposite of Mind, are without real intelligence, and, consequently, without power or effect. Therefore, if one appears to be suffering because of any suppositional material law, such suffering is without the authority of divine or spiritual law and can be destroyed through the understanding of its utter lawlessness, mindlessness, and actual nonexistence.

One may, in belief, allow himself to be governed by material or mortal laws and suffer the consequences thereof. He may acquiesce in the domination of such asserted laws for an indefinite time, but when once he realizes the spurious nature of so-called physical laws and the absolute supremacy of spiritual law, his freedom is assured. The Apostle Paul must have recognized this to be a fact when he wrote in his epistle to the Romans: "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."

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