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From the July 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On page 102 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, makes this arresting and conclusive statement: "There is but one real attraction, that of Spirit. The pointing of the needle to the pole symbolizes this all-embracing power or the attraction of God, divine Mind." Spiritual man, created in the divine likeness, is conscious of his unity with the Supreme Being, God, infinite Mind.

There may be those who would dispute Mrs. Eddy's statement of an irrefutable spiritual fact; for the human consciousness accepts the belief of physical attraction and the charm or enticement which material pleasures and possessions may appear to hold. Yet to those thinkers who build the structure of their daily life upon the foundation of what is learned in the Bible, in conjunction with the Christian Science textbook, the logical truth of our Leader's words will at once be recognized. Do they not echo and elucidate those of Christ Jesus when he said, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me"? The lifting up or acknowledgment of Christ, Truth, in the human consciousness evidences the all-power of God, Spirit, controlling, protecting, and providing for man.

It must be readily admitted that if God, Spirit, is infinite, He alone can attract, as He alone has power to create, maintain, and govern His creation. It is only our ignorance or reluctance to accept this fact which temporarily seems to leave us unattracted to and uninfluenced by this divine power and presence, which is, in fact, the only power and presence, filling all space and ever giving to each one of His children everything that is needed.

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