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Testimonies of Healing

Nearly twenty years ago a friend...

From the July 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Nearly twenty years ago a friend asked me to see a Christian Science practitioner about a chronic throat condition. With no thought of being healed, but simply that he might not consider me narrow-minded, I went to see a practitioner. I told her why I was there and that I did not expect to be helped, also that I was not interested in any religion. I had long since given up the teachings of my church, and had thought things out for myself, to my own satisfaction. She invited me in for a visit, however, and before I left I knew that Christian Science was the truth for which I had been looking, and I also received an instantaneous healing of the throat condition. My throat has not once been sore since that time.

Thirteen years ago I was suffering from inflammatory rheumatism. Some time before I had been hurt by the action of a friend, and was very resentful. The practitioner who was helping me said that I should be healed of the physical trouble as soon as I was healed of resentment. I insisted that I was not resentful, although I had a right to be. Time went by and I was no better, until one day I faced myself and realized that I had to learn to love. Within a few days resentment was replaced by love, and I found that I no longer had a physical problem. The healing has been permanent, and I look back upon the experience as a most valuable one.

About six years ago. while I was attending a Christian Science lecture. I was healed of fallen arches, and walked out of the lecture hall with no thought of my feet, realizing, when I reached my car some blocks away, that I was walking with freedom and ease for the first time in many weeks.

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