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[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel, May 10, 1941]

From the July 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To facilitate shipments and to save transportation costs from distant points to Boston, arrangements have now been completed to ship cases of relief goods directly from New York City and Portland, Oregon, as well as from Boston. For the present all goods received by these shipping depots are to be forwarded by them to The Christian Science Wartime Committee of The Mother Church in the United Kingdom, the headquarters of which are in London, and will be distributed in the same manner as those already sent from Boston. Christian Science war relief committees and individuals throughout the United States who wish to contribute suitable clothing for relief purposes may forward their packages to any one of the shipping depots listed below, from each of which they will receive the same consideration.

It is suggested, however, that it may be more convenient, involve less expense, and avoid overloading the depots, if the committees and individuals located within the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming ship to Portland. The committees and individuals in New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, western Connecticut, and those parts of New York. State which find it more convenient to do so, might use the New York depot.

The Christian Science War Relief Committee
One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts

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