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From the July 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Concisely defining the Christian Science treatment, one may call it the utilization of God's power. It is the affirmation of that which is divinely true and real, and the denial of that which is humanly untrue and unreal. The operation of this mental activity, or treatment, affords no difficulty of explanation.

Observation shows two facts generally recognized as true. The first proclaims that all existence is mental. No existence is possible apart from consciousness. Therefore, mentality includes whatever seems to appear as outward material phenomena. The second fact, that in the presence of truth, error is self-effaced, is also widely admitted. Mathematics illustrates this amply. For instance, as soon as one understands that three times three is nine, any falsity such as that three times three is seven or eleven cannot maintain itself. It disappears. Where does it go? Nowhere, because it never was a mathematical entity. It was wholly a negation from the start. Its pretense to be positive could only uphold itself as long as the mathematical truth seemed absent.

The first fact—that all existence is mental—should do away with the incredulity of those who find it difficult to believe that Christian Science treatment can heal material bodies and discordant so-called outward conditions. In Christian Science, matter is explained as a mistaken restrictive sense of that which really is; it is merely objectified limitation. A restrictive sense is materially mental. For this reason it can be prevented or it can be obliterated by the divinely mental method called Christian Science treatment.

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