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Testimonies of Healing

I have been encouraged and...

From the July 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have been encouraged and helped each day since I became a member of a Christian Science church. By putting into practice the teachings of Christian Science, my family and I have been abundantly blessed and supplied with many of the finer things in everyday life.

I have been healed of tuberculosis in the last stages. A doctor examined me and gave me not more than two weeks to live. But in a few weeks I was up, and soon went back to work again. This healing was brought about through the work of a practitioner, and with' the loving help of some relatives who were Christian Scientists. At the same time I was healed of catarrh of many years' standing. These healings occurred sixteen years ago, and have been permanent.

I have also been healed of many minor ailments. Once a scaffold on which I was working fell, and I sprained one of my feet. After I reached home the pain was so much worse that I went to bed. The suggestion came that I should not be able to work for some time. This suggestion was denied; I asked for the help of a practitioner, and again the unreality of sense testimony was proved. I was able to go to work the next day.

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