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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a heart full of gratitude...

From the July 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a heart full of gratitude for Christian Science that I wish to share with others the many blessings I have had for over forty years. For several years I was a member of an orthodox church, which I had attended all my life up to the time I became a student of Christian Science. I severed my connection with it as soon as I realized that I had found a religion where prayers are answered when we understand how to pray.

I have been healed of ptomaine poisoning, heart trouble, neuritis, rheumatism, and many minor ailments. Our family of three children have been healed of many illnesses, including colds, contagious diseases, spasms, and tonsillitis; and on one occasion a healing took place through mental surgery. My husband has never missed a day's work from illness in the thirty-six years we have been married, and although he has had symptoms of typhoid fever, smallpox, influenza, and neuritis, they have all been quickly overcome. Lack and grief over the loss of a grown son were beautifully healed, and I can never be grateful enough for the many blessings which have come to our family through Christian Science.

I am proving daily that, as Mrs. Eddy says in Science and Health (Pref., p. vii), "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings."—

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