Testimonies of Healing
One day in October of 2019 I was struck with intense pain. I believed the symptoms indicated kidney stones, as they closely matched a friend’s description of bouts she’d had with that condition.
Some quiet moments in the grocery store brought this author healing and a lasting feeling of spiritual progress and peace.
For many years I suffered with severe stomach and digestion issues. At one point, when I was about fifteen, I chose to have surgery to relieve the symptoms, but it did not help.
Although I had experienced healing after reading parts of the Manual of The Mother Church and also parts of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, both by Mary Baker Eddy, and although I was aware of Mrs. Eddy’s focus on spiritual healing, I had never become a church member because I was never convinced that I really understood Christian Science.
A few months after I began to study Christian Science, my youngest child became ill with a high fever and an alarming skin condition all over his body. I did everything a mother would to best care for her child in such circumstances, and I made the boy as comfortable as possible.
In 2019 I experienced three healings that have resulted in sustained spiritual and physical strength. I restarted a routine of running in the mornings with our dog.
Two months before my high school sweetheart and I were to be married, a drunk driver ran a red light and smashed head-on into our car. Even though I was wearing a seatbelt, the impact dislodged the front seat and sent me through the windshield and onto the pavement.
This author faced multiple challenges with her eyesight. Prayer brought healing every single time.
I am very grateful to share the following healing. It occurred on a Wednesday evening after returning home from serving as a substitute Reader for the testimony meeting at our local branch Church of Christ, Scientist.
Zipping around the house late one night as I turned off lights on my way to bed, I had a misstep. In an instant, I was tumbling down the basement stairs.