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Testimonies of Healing

Healed of altitude sickness

From the September 2021 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am immensely grateful for a healing experience I had while traveling with a group that would be visiting a school in the northeastern corner of India near the Tibetan border.

As I do every time I prepare to depart on a trip like this, I prayed for the safety and protection of everyone on the trip. However, at a meeting before we left, I overheard members of the group discussing the high altitudes we would be traveling through. Although I had done plenty of high altitude travel before, these heights were greater than what I had previously experienced, and I began to feel concerned. 

I decided to ask a fellow member of my Christian Science branch church to pray for me as I set out on my journey. Immediately his prayers helped cut through the fears that had been crowding into my thinking. He shared with me some of Mary Baker Eddy’s words in her book Christian Science versus Pantheism: “The altitude of Christianity openeth, high above the so-called laws of matter, a door that no man can shut; it showeth to all peoples the way of escape from sin, disease, and death; it lifteth the burden of sharp experience from off the heart of humanity, and so lighteth the path that he who entereth it may run and not weary, and walk, not wait by the roadside,—yea, pass gently on without the alterative agonies whereby the way-seeker gains and points the path” (p. 12).

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