Imagine being in a situation where for about three and a half months you begin work by 6:30 a.m. and finish up around 7:30 p.m. You do not have any days off. The repetitiveness of your activity and the knowledge that there won’t be any time off for a while make it hard for you to determine the days and dates as time passes, and hopelessness tries to imprison you.
Now imagine during this time that the whole world is turned upside down. Fear of a global pandemic and news of death are sweeping through the nations. How one interacts with others, communicates, and comes into physical contact with others is debated, scrutinized, and often regulated.
As a Christian Scientist committed to understanding the supreme power of God’s goodness and the powerlessness of disease and contagion, how would you handle this situation? What would your thought process be? While recognizing that many people are scared, how would you think about others?