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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Suddenly healed of flu

One weekend when I was a student at a university in London, I visited my parents, who lived an hour away by bus. Returning on the bus that Sunday evening, I was feeling extremely unwell with flu-like symptoms, including a bad cough.

Internal distress vanished

The testifier “reasoned that because the Holy Ghost is the divine Comforter, [she] must embody—express—comfort, rather than pain."

Complete recovery from stroke

Although going to a hospital was not my choice, I ended up being taken to one when a loving and concerned family member called for an ambulance one day after I had a health scare. After I was admitted, nurses rolled me down a hall where I read the words “Stroke Unit” on the wall.

‘Life and peace’ secured through Christ

We read in the Holy Scriptures: “To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” ( Romans 8:6 ). This two-part statement is profoundly relevant to each of us, as can be proven in the rough times and the good times of our everyday lives.

Quick healing of Injured Jaw

 I want to share a recent significant healing, not only because I am most grateful for it, but because of what I feel impelled the immediacy of the healing. My husband and I were visiting family for a weekend, which included seeing our grandchildren in their high school and college productions, and also going to a professionally staged musical.

Sometime in the spring of 2016, I experienced digestive problems for about a week. I had been praying about it, and on Friday night went to bed feeling happy and healthy.

God’s presence in the Pacific Islands

I am grateful for the dozens of demonstrations of God’s presence in my life resulting from my study of Christian Science, and I believe it is time I submit a testimony in gratitude.   When I graduated from UC Berkeley, I enlisted in the Peace Corps in the Fiji Islands.

Lump dissolves with spiritual regeneration

The author identified herself as a disciple of Christ and recognized her only purpose was to “love God and keep His commandments.”

Ear infection healed

I am a composer, conductor, and pianist. The week before a big concert, where I was to conduct an orchestra and seven solo singers, intense symptoms of an ear infection appeared in my right ear.

Quick healing of sudden vision loss

A number of years ago, I served a term as Second Reader in my branch Church of Christ, Scientist. Each Sunday I read to the congregation the scriptural portion of that week’s Bible Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly.