Testimonies of Healing
One weekend when I was a student at a university in London, I visited my parents, who lived an hour away by bus. Returning on the bus that Sunday evening, I was feeling extremely unwell with flu-like symptoms, including a bad cough.
The testifier “reasoned that because the Holy Ghost is the divine Comforter, [she] must embody—express—comfort, rather than pain."
Although going to a hospital was not my choice, I ended up being taken to one when a loving and concerned family member called for an ambulance one day after I had a health scare. After I was admitted, nurses rolled me down a hall where I read the words “Stroke Unit” on the wall.
We read in the Holy Scriptures: “To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” ( Romans 8:6 ). This two-part statement is profoundly relevant to each of us, as can be proven in the rough times and the good times of our everyday lives.
I want to share a recent significant healing, not only because I am most grateful for it, but because of what I feel impelled the immediacy of the healing. My husband and I were visiting family for a weekend, which included seeing our grandchildren in their high school and college productions, and also going to a professionally staged musical.
Sometime in the spring of 2016, I experienced digestive problems for about a week. I had been praying about it, and on Friday night went to bed feeling happy and healthy.
I am grateful for the dozens of demonstrations of God’s presence in my life resulting from my study of Christian Science, and I believe it is time I submit a testimony in gratitude. When I graduated from UC Berkeley, I enlisted in the Peace Corps in the Fiji Islands.
The author identified herself as a disciple of Christ and recognized her only purpose was to “love God and keep His commandments.”
I am a composer, conductor, and pianist. The week before a big concert, where I was to conduct an orchestra and seven solo singers, intense symptoms of an ear infection appeared in my right ear.
A number of years ago, I served a term as Second Reader in my branch Church of Christ, Scientist. Each Sunday I read to the congregation the scriptural portion of that week’s Bible Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly.