Testimonies of Healing
Christ Jesus’ words, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” ( John 8:32 ), continue to deepen in meaning for me. My mare had a beautiful filly in the summer of 2008.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for Christian Science and the practical healing that results when we rely on God’s divine law to meet our needs. For the birth of our second child, my husband and I wanted an at-home delivery.
One summer morning I picked up my seven-year-old granddaughter to go to breakfast and then do some school shopping. On our way into the restaurant, she mentioned she’d had a “scratchy throat” the night before, and during breakfast she had trouble staying warm.
About two years ago I had a bad fall while walking in my garden at home. I was wearing thick winter socks, so I did not at first see the injury, but it felt as though there were broken bones in one foot, and the pain was severe.
One cold winter evening, in my sophomore year of college, I received a phone call from my mother. A fire had destroyed the second floor of our home, my parents were getting a divorce, and my father had lost his job.
“I’m sorry to tell you this,” the obstetrician said, “but I am not sure that either you or your baby will make it. ” Those were not the words I was expecting as I lay on the exam table at the hospital.
One morning while at work, I began to feel chest pain. The pain wasn’t bad at first, so I put off dealing with it prayerfully.
A number of years ago, on a Wednesday morning, I woke up with pain in my spine, and all my muscles were sore. For years I’d had to walk several kilometers every day to go to work, and my trade demanded a lot of physical effort.
A few years ago, while abroad, I entered an off-road mountain half-marathon. During the race I fell headfirst onto rocks.
I have always loved God, and it was this love for God that brought me to Christian Science. Soon after I began to embrace this Science, I had the following physical healing.