Testimonies of Healing
This author saw more clearly that relying on our Father-Mother God brings permanent solutions to problems, rather than a quick fix.
For about two years I had a problem with my feet. At times they were quite painful, to the point where I found myself hobbling, barely able to walk.
When this author experienced chest pains, she turned to prayer for healing. As she learned more about God, and lived what she was learning, she was healed.
Early in March 2016, as I walked through a West Coast airport to return home after a brief visit to attend my future grandchild’s baby shower, my legs didn’t feel normal, and I had to sit down. I realized that I needed prayerful help if I was going to be able to get to the gate, so I called a Christian Science practitioner for treatment through prayer.
One day several years ago I noticed that something was amiss with my cat’s mouth. When I took the cat, Beau, for a dental visit, the veterinarian informed me that Beau had a terminal mouth tumor.
One weekend when I was a student at a university in London, I visited my parents, who lived an hour away by bus. Returning on the bus that Sunday evening, I was feeling extremely unwell with flu-like symptoms, including a bad cough.
The testifier “reasoned that because the Holy Ghost is the divine Comforter, [she] must embody—express—comfort, rather than pain."
Although going to a hospital was not my choice, I ended up being taken to one when a loving and concerned family member called for an ambulance one day after I had a health scare. After I was admitted, nurses rolled me down a hall where I read the words “Stroke Unit” on the wall.
We read in the Holy Scriptures: “To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace” ( Romans 8:6 ). This two-part statement is profoundly relevant to each of us, as can be proven in the rough times and the good times of our everyday lives.
I want to share a recent significant healing, not only because I am most grateful for it, but because of what I feel impelled the immediacy of the healing. My husband and I were visiting family for a weekend, which included seeing our grandchildren in their high school and college productions, and also going to a professionally staged musical.