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Testimonies of Healing

Healing of hypothyroidism

From the March 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Whenever I have challenges, I pray to God and listen for what He is telling me about His creation, and I have experienced many healings through my study of Christian Science over the years. However, at one time I lacked energy and felt extremely tired all the time. 

When this was not quickly met, my family members noticed and often commented about it. Eventually the extreme exhaustion began to interfere with my work, activities, and prayer. Finally, I decided to stop Christian Science treatment and seek relief through medical means.

While there was a temptation to feel guilty about taking this path, this was met with the idea that I was spiritually innocent because I had no selfhood apart from God, as His spiritual creation. Mary Baker Eddy tells us: “Divine Science shows how the Lamb slays the wolf. Innocence and Truth overcome guilt and error” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, pp. 567–568).

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