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Annual Meeting 2018

From the March 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Church family,

Something life-changing happened on the way to a church service. Two friends stopped to talk with a disabled man asking for money. What they offered him was something entirely different—a new sense of spiritual power they’d found in the teachings and example of Christ Jesus. It met his need as nothing else had, and he was immediately healed. Leaping up with great joy, he joined them as they walked in together to worship God.

This familiar story of Peter and John encountering the lame man outside the Temple in Jerusalem (see Acts 3) has lost none of its contemporary significance. For all the advances society has made in the past two millennia, the human heart still yearns for relief from pervasive suffering and to find what truly satisfies. Carrying forward the discovery and practice of Christian Science, our Church is uniquely poised to meet that need as we respond—individually and collectively—to what Spirit is doing within us and around us.  

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