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Peace and healing ‘in the presence of mine enemies’

From the March 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One morning I woke up with a new sense of the importance of the twenty-third Psalm ringing in my ears—especially the line where the Psalmist states that the Lord prepares a table before him in the presence of his enemies. I thought a lot about the entire Psalm that day. It occurred to me that God creates and maintains His universe by divine law, no matter what the threat appears to be—whether a belief of sickness, sin, lack, an uninformed and ignorant hatred, or a seemingly deliberate, organized evil. The twenty-third Psalm elucidates this operation of divine law with beautiful images of intelligence, tenderness, and love, which everyone can identify with. These qualities are ever present, precede the so-called existence and power of evil, and therefore deny evil any presence or reality in Truth’s already created universe. 

Mary Baker Eddy saw the great value of our mental insistence of the truth in this Psalm and placed it right in the textbook of Christian Science, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, in the chapter called “The Apocalypse,” where she spells out the inevitable end of all error—the suppositional enemy of divine Truth—by giving a spiritual explanation of some chapters of Revelation. 

At the end of that particular chapter of Science and Health, she wrote: “In the following Psalm one word shows, though faintly, the light which Christian Science throws on the Scriptures by substituting for the corporeal sense, the incorporeal or spiritual sense of Deity: —

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