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Spiritual Short

Right where we are

From the March 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One day at my home-office desk, I suddenly felt weak and woozy. I didn’t ask God to help solve the physical problem, nor did I try to figure out the cause of it. Instead, I found an instant and exquisite sense of gratitude for what Christian Science has taught me about God as divine Love. Although I made no particular effort to think comforting thoughts, they were there. I felt this wonderful awareness of the beauty, generosity, efficiency, and reliability of divine Love. In a few minutes, I was well. I went on to have a joyful and productive day. 

Throughout this particular experience, I never for one moment felt that some high and mighty spiritual demand was being made of me. Nor did I feel pressure to understand everything about God right that minute. I realized that wherever we are in our understanding of Spirit, the full measure of divine Love is loving us with the same potency and adoration that parted the Red Sea and resurrected Jesus (see Exodus 14:21 and John, chapter 20). The sun shines without being asked and, likewise, God just loves.

Mary Baker Eddy offers this comforting promise: “In the desolation of human understanding, divine Love hears and answers the human call for help; and the voice of Truth utters the divine verities of being which deliver mortals out of the depths of ignorance and vice. This is the Father’s benediction. It gives lessons to human life, guides the understanding, peoples the mind with spiritual ideas, reconstructs the Judean religion, and reveals God and man as the Principle and idea of all good” (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, pp. 81–82).

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