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Scientific right reasoning

From the March 2018 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Right thinking in Christian Science includes Christianly scientific reasoning. It’s spiritual reasoning from the basis of one perfect God and His one perfect creation, man. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy teaches, “For right reasoning there should be but one fact before the thought, namely, spiritual existence” (p. 492). The fact of our spiritual existence as God’s immediate reflection not only elucidates our relation to God, good, as His loved child, but also shows forth our true substance as perfect, immortal, and divine.

Reasoning from the position of perfect God and perfect creation, we begin with God and creation as whole and intact. We begin to spiritually understand the inseparability of God and His creation, man. We perceive ourselves in God’s image and likeness, as God’s emanation, expressing His qualities—having all good, expressing all good, being all good. We understand that we are not mortals trying to become spiritual beings, but already spiritual, as ideas of the infinite, one, divine Mind, or Spirit, which is God.

This scientific, prayerful reasoning is a helpful starting point for healing in Christian Science. It’s not simply a mental exercise. It opens our consciousness to the Christ, Truth, which lifts thought away from matter and its claims of disease, sin, and inharmony and reveals the allness and purity of God and man—diseaseless, sinless, and harmonious. This enables us to demonstrate more of the spiritual reality of man’s perfection in our daily lives.

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