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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

Freedom from back pain

One morning recently I woke up with a sharp pain in my lower back. I instantly thought that I must have over-extended myself during some task at work.

Musician’s wounded finger healed

Almost 20 years ago, while I was helping a friend box up items, a sharp blade slipped and deeply sliced one of my fingers to the bone. Faced with what to do next, I took a “grand pause,” as we say in music.

Cancer symptoms gone

Some years ago I experienced a spiritual awakening that gave me a clearer sense of the Christ and brought transformation and healing to many areas of my life.   During several years leading up to it, our family had been going through a period of intense friction.

Child’s injured foot—healed

Our son was about ten months old when my husband and I moved into our newly built home. The small porch on the back deck had open railings with a cement slab below.

Prayer overcomes food poisoning

I am grateful for opportunities I have had to prove that when we listen to God’s guidance and follow it, we experience protection. One example I recall was during an event I attended as a delegate to an international meeting in a foreign country.

Pull to ‘give up’ resisted

Life at my workplace had become increasingly challenging. As manager, I oversaw a team that coordinated a project for a major corporation, and I started to feel overwhelmed by its demands and deadlines.

Healed of incontinence

A few years ago I began having difficulty with incontinence. At the same time, I was going through a rather difficult period winding down the affairs of a prior business, which included protracted litigation.

A calm and painless birth

This author prayed to better understand the idea of peace, as a quality of God, in preparation for the birth of her child.

No more hip trouble

When my new husband’s friend invited us to join him and his partner for a 12-day trip on their sailboat, I thought, “What an adventure!” But I was a bit apprehensive, too. I didn’t know either of our hosts, with whom we would be residing nonstop during the trip, and I am not a good swimmer.

Healing of constipation and hemorrhoids

For years I suffered from constipation, bloody stools, and hemorrhoids. I prayed to be healed of these painful conditions, and at times I also received treatment from a Christian Science practitioner.