One sabbath evening not long since, I went into a prayermeeting to listen to the word. The pastor exhorted the people to seek their soul's salvation, and to make it more impressive, he told them of one of the lambs of his flock who was sick, and her recovery doubtful, but she had made her peace with God and was ready to die.
I thought, what a pity the pastor did not understand that God is her life, and do as Jesus bade him, heal the sick and preach the gospel. I could hardly refrain from rising and telling the people of the glorious truth that makes us every whit whole.
When healing the sick we are preaching the gospel, for I find the thoughts of the sick reaching out for Truth, and in some cases they have become dissatisfied with the old forms and theories of Christianity because they do not heal, and are desiring a higher understanding of God. What an opportunity is this to work for Him!