A strong character, whether directed by wisdom to goodness, or misled by ignorance to evil, has, as its basis, a self-consciousness of power—a positiveness— which should come from divine persistency, recognizing that "where there is a purpose, there is a way to fulfil it. This characteristic in man builds railroads, levels or tunnels mountains. It forces the citadel of nature, causing her to disgorge her wealth of mysteries, reveals and utilizes her hidden forces, thus making matter the servant of man.
Tracing results to their fountain, causation, where a field of investigation extends to infinity, causes being to emerge from the strata of materiality which fetters it, and to spring forth from out the prison of traditionary beliefs into the sunshine of science.
Humanity, created in the image and likeness of God—possesses God-like possibilities, and this is the legitimate prerogative of man to have "dominion" over all things, whether beast, bird, flesh, or the devil.