Attention is called to the increased size of the C. S. Journal for February. Instead of 24 pages, it now numbers 32; and of these, 25 are devoted wholly to reading-matter. Our printer says that he cannot recall any previous number which contained so much of the Science to which this periodical is devoted. The reader will find a careful review of Mr. Fiske's last book, showing its relation to our views; articles from well-known members of the body, like Mrs. J. C. Woodbury and Hanover P. Smith; short extracts from popular authors, like W. R. Alger.
Our Letter Section is worth reading. It is intended that the mottoes at the head of each department—which appeared for the first time last month—shall be carried out in letter as well as spirit.
Our enlargement has come to stay. There is copy enough in the editorial drawer to make another number, but let not this fact hinder any friend, Scientist or otherwise, from sending us pertinent articles. Give us Letters, give us Poems, give us Sermonettes, give us General Articles, give us Church and Association Items, send us Questions to be Answered. Above all, send us notes of Cases and Cures. If Christian Science is anything it is practical. If Truth is to prevail, it must be demonstrated. The proof of scientific faith is in the facts; therefore bring on the facts. Contributors may be assured that every line sent us, on any subject germane to the Cause, will receive careful attention.