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From the February 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

He who identifies himself with that phase of healing called Mind-cure, let it be remembered, is taking an attitude before the public of one who says, "I can kill, as well as cure." If he does this he commences with little evils, and goes on until he breaks all the commandments. It must be understood that this is not the teaching of Christian Science; for Scientists have no such power as the daily papers claim, when they say that "one Scientist thought arsenic into another Scientist."

A Mind-curer, who forms a belief of poison, with intent to kill, is not, and never could be, a Christian Scientist. This new phase of error, which is taking such a hold on the community, has risen up since Christian Science was established, and is the greatest monster that was ever let loose on the public. Full of self-sufficiency, he has no tie of duty to bind him to the cause of Christianity, but simply his own pocket to look after. Having only this, he is under no moral restraint.

The power of Mind over the body is believed by those who are taught at our College, who are endowed with all the responsibility of trust. If after a while they cease to have even a shadowy feeling of responsibility hovering over them, they are expelled from our Association, and the public is notified of the fact.

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