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From the February 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Though differing widely, in many fundamental points, the churches of all Christendom strike one keynote in unison,—that heaven, or harmony, is to be reached only through Jesus of Nazareth. The arguments and strife of centuries have not been raised over the righteousness of this conviction, but as to the ways and means by which we are to follow him.

That no unanimity of opinion concerning any one method has yet been reached, is apparent from the number and variety of creeds, doctrines, and sects in vogue at the present day, each presenting its own supposed advantages over the others.

"No man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Here is the emphatic declaration of the Master, whom all Christians accept as the central figure in history. The reply to this declaration is a cry from the human heart, "Show us the true way!"

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