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From the February 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When Jesus began his ministry of the gospel, his teaching and healing excited not only opposition, but the wondering inquiry of a large number; and, when the nature of the worldly-minded is taken into consideration, it is not surprising that attempts were made to counterfeit his works.

To arrive at an understanding and demonstration of the Science of Life, even through a study of the character of Him who is the Life of the world, requires something more than a smattering of the rules of Christian Science, and vastly more than the knowledge of mind-cure, mesmerism, magnetism, mediumship, psychopathy, or of all the isms combined.

Though no individual, or ism, may answer the inquiry, or explain the 'Mind that heals, it is the privilege of all to place their feet upon the borders of this wonder-land, and press on to its grand possibilities.

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