Bachelor of Christian Science (C. S. B.) given to students who have taken the First Course of instruction at the College.
Doctor of Christian Science (C. S. D.) conferred on those who take the Normal Course, if they have also practised acceptably three years in Mind-healing, and maintained a thoroughly Christian character.
Doctor of Divine Science (D. S. D.) is given after the Course of Theology, combined with three years of practice, to those who have obtained a correct knowledge of the spiritual signification of the Scriptures, and conformed their lives to the teachings of Christ Jesus.
There are three graded schools of Christian Science. Their teachers are:—
1. Students who have taken the First Course at the Mass. Metaphysical College.
2. Those who have finished the First and Normal Courses.
3. Those who have completed a full Collegiate Course, which includes the Theological Department and the Study of the Scriptures.