Dear Journal:—Knowing the interest now being felt in Christian Science, and how glad people are to hear of cures, I will relate, briefly as possible, the particulars of a case which came under my care last winter.
Not that I am a more wonderful healer than others, but naturally know more about my own cases than of others. A lady who was pronounced incurable by several of the most eminent M. Ds., sent for me; not with the hope of being cured—that was supposed to be beyond the possibilities; but hoping I might relieve her somewhat, and make her last hours a little more comfortable. She was having no rest by day or night, and her maladies, according to Materia Medica, were legion. First and foremost, was a cancer in the stomach beyond all dispute, and not a particle of solid food had passed her lips for two years. Dropsy was another trouble, she having been relieved of eighteen quarts of water not long before I saw her. And we will end the list with a spinal trouble; though she had other disorders which I have not mentioned. She was better at once. I treated her a month absently, when she came to my home, a distance of thirty-five miles. She, had not been on the cars for five years. At the end of another month she returned home, and the following letter from her father tells its own story:
" Mary got home yesterday in a regular blizzard. It is useless to write that we were all glad to see her. It seems like raising the dead. She slept well last night, and, for the first time in two years, ate a hearty breakfast of baked beans and tomatoes. She eats enough for any person not hard at work, and is placing matters aright over the house. P.C.S."