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Testimonies of Healing

For the cause of Truth I submit the following, trusting that it...

From the February 1891 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For the cause of Truth I submit the following, trusting that it may bring one more at least into the fold of Divine Science. I was a hopeless invalid for seven years, during which time I was treated by fourteen different physicians for what they were pleased to term a complication of diseases; but, Materia Medica was baffled, and I only obtained at times temporary relief. A change of climate was advised, without which I "could not live two months." Two years ago I was confined to my bed for four months, was treated by two eminent physicians, and was told that there was not a possible chance for me to recover; at this stage, I was influenced to try Christian Science treatment. I can but thank God each day for the physical comfort that I have enjoyed during the past year.

I had felt for a long time that there was something higher to attain to, but could not see my way clear to attempt to reach the desired goal. When the grand Truth of Divine Science was revealed to me, I felt the way was opened to catch glimpses of what before had seemed so obscure. In the words of another, we but need "The Touch of Truth" to heal us physically, as well as spiritually.—

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